"The sea is our future. I want to drift and dream, to go out into the open, to sink into the high, wild waves with my thoughts. But in the last few days it's been hard for me to look forward to it. Today I had the feeling that it was especially hard. We are all exposed to a pressure here that everyone can feel immediately. As of today, it is only six months until the first fleet sets sail, but the tickets are not getting any less.
After the update for the hydrogen drive, there are once again problems with the stability. Each boat has to regulate its budget autonomously. Additional resources are only generated by the salt water and the solar cells.
My task, together with my team, is to train the system that reliably distributes the energy to all other components. This house computer is a super-sensitive ecosystem that reacts and acts independently to requests. If you change a small component, for example to supply a component with more energy, it goes boom and you can start training all over again.
The pressure and responsibility is enormous.
Soon, not only born captains will be sailing the oceans with these boats, but also people who have never spent a day on the water before.
It will be difficult to make this clear to everyone involved.
We will still have to work hard for the dream we want to live and it will take a long time before we find a new home on the sea."
Ben Schulte, Data Scientist at Open Waters